monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Oh, and I watched a crappy movie on TV

One day off and I'm back at work. I didn't do much on my day off, just knit on the Ribby Cardi, which is almost done now! I'm working on the last piece, the right front and I'm about half done with that, so I should be sewing it together this weekend.

Today I didn't feel like doing anything, mostly because I was just too tired to function. I woke up at 8 and sat on the couch after my shower, watching Rachel pack to go visit Biscuits, trying to help her think of things she needed so that it's not like last weekend, when she forgot her PURSE!

RA came by to pick up the van this morning, since she has to take people to a funeral in Chicago this weekend and needed a car big enough to take her family and their luggage. Her mother-in-law died, and her kids have come from all over to be here for the funeral. So she borrowed the van and Rachel left in her car, and then I was alone with no car.

Rich came home for lunch and I drove him back to work so I could keep his car to pick up Kim after school. She's got a cold and looked kind of pale and red around the eyes, but I had an appt. to get my back worked on again (and it's feeling better, thanks), so I dropped her off at the bookstore to look around while I went to the doctor.

When we got home she took some Advil and I did, too, and we both napped. Well, I napped, I'm not sure about her.

Later, Kim kept me company while I forced myself to exersize. She practiced spinning on her drop spindle while I did the two-mile walk along with a DVD.

So that was my day, everyone left and I was alone with the dog all day, but hey, I exersized, so that's something.

11:27 p.m. - 2005-02-11


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