monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It was expensive, too.

Last night at work I was looking for an ebook to read, because I just finished another long Anthony Trollope novel, The Way We Live Now, and it was good but I needed a change. I looked at some ebook sites that I've bookmarked, and found one called Tilneys and Trapdoors, which is a reference to Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen. I bookmarked it a long time ago and then just never got back to it, so last night I looked around on the site and it was very entertaining. Apparently I am not the only person with a crush on Henry Tilney.

I started reading Northanger Abbey and knitted on a sock that was in my purse, and it was a good night. I'll probably finish the book (and the sock) tonight.

Something has been nagging at me lately - a sweater that I started at least 5 years ago! I keep thinking that I'll rip it out, but then I look at it and I've got so much done, that I hate to waste all that effort, and it's a Dale of Norway sweater, so it is a lot of effort! I know I'm never going to finish it, though. I just don't like the color. Why didn't I buy the kit in Navy Blue or Charcoal? Something that a person could actually wear? Because I'm an idiot, I guess. So I'm either going to rip it, or maybe sell it on eBay. I have no idea how to sell something on eBay, but it can't be that hard. I need to take a picture of it...

I'm feeling noble today because I finally wove in the ends on a sweater that I knitted for Kim about two years ago, and she's been wearing it all this time! It has to be handwashed, so I washed it and laid it out to dry, and noticed, again that there are a lot of loose ends, and today it was dry, so I sat on the couch with a needle and some tiny sharp scissors and wove in the ends. Whew! I'm glad that's over at last.

I think I'll go look at eBay and see if anyone else is selling a half-done sweater.

3:16 p.m. - 2005-02-13


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