monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am no fun and don't go to Chicago.

Something kind of weird and awkward happened on Thursday. Kim had a couple of friends over to play video games, and when the one girl's mother arrived to pick her up, she mentioned that she wanted to go to Chicago this weekend to see a certain exhibit at a museum, but she didn't have anyone to go with. It sounded slightly interesting and Rachel and I had talked about going to Chicago to see another exhibit at a gallery, so we said we would go with her and we could see both of them. This girl's mother is a little odd and has no visible sense of humor, but we thought it would be okay to go with her anyway.

So on Friday I was looking online to buy tickest for the exhibit on Saturday, because it was better to have them ahead of time, but it turns out that the tickets were almost twice as expensive if you went on Saturday, so I told the other girl's mom and we agreed that we didn't want to pay that much to go, and I suggested that we could go to a movie instead. Well, that's where it became obvious that there is a huge gap in our idea of what is entertaining! She suggested that we see Ray, a movie I have not even considered watching, even as a video rental, no, not even as a FREE video rental, and when she heard the horror in my voice, she said maybe we could see Constantine, a movie I had never even heard of, and she said Keanu was in it, and that did not sweeten for me at all. So we agreed to see what else was on and maybe talk about it later, and that was the end of that, and then later I looked up Constantine, and YUCK, I wouldn't go to that one either. She said it was supposed to make you think, but my question is, about what? It looks just a little too Van Helsing to me, and you know how much I enjoyed that.

Okay, here's the thing about the wedding shawl. It's not working out. I worked on it for a couple of hours on Saturday night, and ended up doing a row in which none of the pattern repeats had the correct number of stitches, meaning that I was consistently not making yarnovers in the right places. I am sick. of. the. shawl. Rachel is planning to knit it herself and I have to just say, "Go for it," because I hate that thing.

In other news, we have been changing wedding plans left, right and center, and they are starting to solidify now. Sort of. Like Jello, that's how solid they are, but that's better than the gaseous form that they were in previously.

Also, I am very tired of letting Kim drive. She was backing out of our driveway this morning on the way to church (and Rich had cleverly, and, I think, deviously left early in the other car so he could set up his classroom), so she was backing out of the driveway and into the bushes, when I stopped her and made her pull up to start backing over again. I asked if she was backing up by watching the side of the driveway in the side mirror like I showed her and she said no, and then I said that she wasn't looking behind her, so how was she watching while she backed up? And she said, you will not believe this, but she wasn't looking at all, she was just keeping the car straight and backing up! So she was backing up by staring ahead at the garage door and hoping for the best! WTF??

It was then that I realized we were already late for church, so I took over and drove the car, and she sat in the passenger seat, glowering. Well, I'm sorry, but I hate being late, and there was really not the time to go into the whole lesson about backing up.

I had planned to go into it all during our usual Sunday afternoon driving experience, and just practice backing out of the driveway, driving around the block and pulling back in, and then backing out again, like touch and goes when you are learning to fly a plane, but I napped, then she was napping, and then it was time for her to go to her BYC meeting, so Rich took her and let her drive there and back, and apparently they did some extra driving around, too. Good, let 'em.

Knitting news:

I'm working on a dk green Encore Wallaby sweater, size 2. It's a gift for a pregnant friend of Rachel.

The pieces of Kim's Ribby Cardi are blocked and laying on the table in the dining room. As soon as the Wallaby is finished, I'll sew the pieces together, then it needs to have a collar knitted on and a zipper sewn in, so that will be a little adventure.

The only other thing I am working on is a sock mate in Opal Tiger print. That's my purse knitting. I need to find something fun to make after this Wallaby.

Oh, and the red Nagano sweater that I have been anguishing over? I'm going to just rip it. I'm never going to finish it because I don't like the color, so I'm going to rip it and use the yarn to make mittens or something. Lots of mittens. And maybe hats.

2:08 a.m. - 2005-02-21


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