monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Keep off the grass!

I don't know why I even try. I have written two posts in the last couple of days and both of them disappeared when I tried to post them! What is going on? They weren't awfully clever or anything but they were something just so you'd know I'm still here.

It's been a bit dull this weekend, what with Rachel being gone and Scott busy studying and Kim ignoring me with her face in the computer like she always does. I have been working on the My Constant Companion bag at work, and the body of it is finished. That thing is huge before felting! Too big, in fact, to continue carrying it to work, so tonight I brought two different yarns and two sizes of needle, so that I can swatch and decide what to make next.

I kind of want to make a hooded cardi for Kim, called Rogue. The pattern is available here. I have been waffling back and forth about ordering it for a while, and I think I am finally ready to make it, so I ordered the pattern last night and printed it today.

I have some deep purple wool that I bought at the Fiber Festival last year, and I just rolled a skein into a ball so I can swatch that one first. The other yarn I brought to swatch is some discontinued yarn that I ordered from someone on the big Knitlist a couple of years ago, and it's olive green, with flecks of red and yellow. Yeah, it's kind of hideous, actually. I should make something for a man with it. A man that I don't like. No, really, I know this yarn and I know how soft and lovely it is when it is washed, so it really would make a nice sweater. Someday.

In other news, Rachel bought a wedding dress while she was out of town, and I'm eager to get a look at it. Next weekend Dave is coming to visit, and they are going to get engagement photos taken! I'm excited to have a cute picture of them together.

So today we were all at home, minding our own business, when a police car pulled up in front of our house, and a nice policeman came to the door to tell Rich that some people have complained that he is walking his dog across their lawns and they would like him to stop! Oh my goodness, I was so embarrassed!

See, Rich is an idiot, and for some reason, he thinks the way to walk the dog is to let her meander all over the street, across lawns, under bushes, behind garages, and I have told him not to do that, because I know I wouldn't like it if strangers were tromping all over our yard, and I don't even care about my lawn, I just don't want people intruding on my space! We live in a neighborhood of old people, so you know they don't want footprints on their grass, and anyway, it's just rude to walk all over someone's property! I have explained this to Rich before, but for some reason, he doesn't get it!

So the cop left, and I closed the door behind him and said to Rich, "I told you not to do that!" and Rich said, "Well, I guess I won't walk her on that street anymore." Yeah, because those soul-less bastards just don't appreciate our beautiful dog! What a doofus! A woman over there asked him before not to walk the dog on her lawn, and it sounds like she is the one that called the police, so evidently he was still walking the dog in her yard!

Well, I think that's all the news for now. Gotta go swatch.

12:02 a.m. - 2005-02-28


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