monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I don't have any fun knitting projects.

Sigh. I'm tired of all my knitting. Kim wants me to finish her cardi so she can wear it, so I'll need to sew it up this week. My Constant Companion is closer to finished, but the big needles and bulky yarn are making my wrist ache.

I've only got my purse sock with me tonight, and I'm going to run out of yarn before it's finished. I have another yarn that looks almost the same, so I can use that to finish it.

So now what am I going to make? I need something pleasant and fun to work on, something that doesn't take much thought, so it can be my work knitting. I do have a Prisoner of Azkaban Gryffindor scarf to finish, and nothing is more mindless than that.

When I was whining about having nothing to work on, Kim mentioned that she would like a Norwegian sweater, and I have one that I could finish for her. Not the red Nagano sweater; I'm still planning to rip that one. This is another one that I've had for a few years and never made it. It's a lot easier design, although still impressive. Yes, that and the Gryffindor scarf should keep me busy.

Did I mention that I ordered some yarn for another try at the wedding shawl? I bought it on eBay. It's sock weight wool, which is heavier than the lace weight THREAD I was working with before. It's hand-dyed in a bright pink with some blue.

So here's what I have to work on:

1. POA Gryffindor scarf
2. Norwegian sweater for Kim
3. Wedding shawl when I get the new yarn.
4. Sew up the Ribby Cardi!

Rachel got home from St. Louis today, and I got to see the wedding dress. It's lovely. The short-sleeved top is heavily beaded, and the train has embroidery and beading, too. She loves it, and she said she felt like Monica on Friends in that episode where she tried on Emily's wedding dress and wore it to do dishes in, because she didn't want to take it off.

4:35 a.m. - 2005-03-01


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