monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Now we're cookin'.

A survey went around in RS a few weeks ago, on a week when I happened to be there. Rachel was sitting next to me and she filled it out for me while I just knitted and watched her, and in the space for me to offer a suggestion for something I could teach the other sisters to do, she wrote, Make Eggrolls.

A week or so later I got a call from someone asking me to teach the sisters how to make eggrolls.

Tonight was the night, and RA and I went out today and shopped for ingredients, then shlepped them over the chapel tonight for the demonstration.

RA brought a little electric fryer, and someone else brought an electric frying pan to use in the sauteing the vegetables part. RA also brought a cool little salad shooter that grates vegetables to do the carrots with.

So the meeting opens and there is an opening song and a message, and then I was on! Only guess what? I hadn't realized I was supposed to do the class IN the RS room! What?? We aren't going to cook in the kitchen?

So there was some shocked complaining by me, but Rachel was assisting me and she has a much better attitude than I do, so, following her ever-cheerful lead, I started figuring out how to make eggrolls on a table in the front of the room. It worked fine, and it all went very well. Everyone who wanted to, and that was almost everyone, got a chance to roll an eggroll for practice, and Rachel and RA fried them in the little fryer and it was good.

I got home in time to get a short nap before work and when I woke up, there was time to call Diana and to rip out the size XL beginning of the Gjenske sweater that I started for Rachel several years ago, and I mean it might be 5 years ago or more! I need to skein it and then soak it in water to get the kinks out, but I brought an unopened ball with me to work tonight and cast on for the Medium size. So far it's easy to work on; just stockinette stitch in the round. When I get to the beginning of the colorwork it will have to stay home and be my TV knitting. That's when I'll break out the Gryffindor scarf.

2:07 a.m. - 2005-03-02


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