monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am knitting like a Neanderthal.

Since it's been cold, like for at least the last two months, I have hardly been outside to walk for exersize at all. I'm feeling very sluggish! So tonight I got Rachel to walk with me, and then Rich wanted us to take Buffy, so we all went out and walked. In the cold!

We did our two-mile walk, and Rachel put some cheese crackers in her pocket to use for coaxing Buffy to walk further than she wants to, but it wasn't even a problem. Buffy just trotted along, sniffing at things, and was happy to go as far as we wanted.

We've had Dave at our house this weekend, and it was nice to have company who is also happy to eat anything I want to cook. Next time I'll make chicken curry, but this weekend we made eggrolls on Saturday and California rolls on Sunday.

We played Euchre with him on Saturday afternoon, and Kim is much improved so with her as my partner, we kicked some butt! Yeah!

Sunday afternoon Kim wanted to practice driving, and I can't even remember the last time I thought driving was a fun thing to do, but she does. So we went out and we drove and drove and drove. We drove for an hour and a half, and I drank a soda and talked on my cell phone and Kim just drove.

When we got home I started making sushi and then got a call from a hospital in another town, asking if I would come and interpret for a deaf person in the ER, and Rachel offered to drive if I wanted to go, so she drove back over the road to where I had just been with Kim and I have seen way more of the country this weekend than I wanted to.

Knitting news:

I have Kim's Ribby Cardi all knitted and sewn together, and now I just need to buy a zipper for it.

Finished sock #1 of the Little Arrowhead pattern socks in the beige Kroy. I'm going to give them to RA when they're finished.

I picked up the Little Shawl of Horrors, which is what I'm calling the wedding shawl - the one knitted with silk THREAD on size 1 needles - and did a couple of rows on it tonight, accompanied by much use of filthy language. I think I'm getting the hang of it now, and if I didn't have to knit practically in the DARK like a freaking CAVEMAN, I could maybe work on that thing and get it done before the wedding. I'm thinking of buying a special lamp to put by the couch, just to light my lace knitting.

11:13 p.m. - 2005-03-07


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