monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I only nag because I care.

I got up at 1:30 and spent the rest of the day talking on the phone; so much talking, in fact, that I was sick of the sound of my own voice by the time Rachel got home at 7:30.

Scott called to tell me he is feeling better today - he had some gastric distress last night and I was a little worried. I'm going to make a home pharmacy kit for him and send it to him this week. Immodium AD, Advil, a thermometer, Vicks Vap-O-Rub, what else should I send? Oh, Tylenol PM! Let me know if you can think of anything else.

Rachel called on her way home from St. Louis and sounded better than when I talked to her last night. Last night was kind of funny, except for the misery! I was at work and first Rachel called, crying a little because she was sad to be going home from Dave's and knowing she won't see him for a few weeks. While I was talking to her, Scott called and he was feeling horrible, so I was going back and forth between them, trying to comfort both at the same time. Rachel was really tired last night, and was doing better today.

At some point I talked to Diana, but I can't remember if it was before or after I talked to Kelly. I called Kelly because I was thinking about Karin's wedding being just 3 weeks away, and I was worried about the plans for her reception, i.e. the plans that aren't planned yet! So I called Kelly and started making plans and writing lists and bossing her around and she said she would check with Karin for her okay on the plans, so I hope to hear from her soon. It's hard to know if she wanted my help or if she thought I was being a big bossy pain in the butt and was just agreeing with me, hoping that I would go away. I guess if she calls me back I'll know she wants my help and if she doesn't, hey, I can (almost) take a hint!

Now that I know how to buy songs and download them to my iPod, I need to practice copying songs to the iPod from my CDs! Baby steps, baby steps... Oh, and then perhaps I could read the manual (!) and figure out how to tape things with Kim's MP3 player and make a tape of her playing the harp! I keep promising people (Grandparents and other fond doters) that I will make one, but here's the thing, I don't know how!

Progress on the Little Shawl of Horrors: I put the first piece of end layer aside and cast on for the second. Knit two rows and got irritated because the stitch count wasn't coming out right. Picked out a few stitches and tried again (twice) and (cue the triumphant Link music) figured it out! That's right, I am doing it right this time! The biggest problem with this is that I'm knitting on freaking thread, no, it's worse than that, it's more like spiderweb fiber, and it's hard to work with! If it was a little heavier, like fingering weight, it would just be so much better. Look forward to the bitching, because it will go on until the Little Shawl of Horrors is finished.

I saw another picture of a finished Ribby Cardi today and I really want to get a zipper for Kim's so she can wear it. I have to go to Michaels with Rachel this week, so maybe I'll find a zipper there.

I'm just glad that Zorro poops in the bathtub so I don't have to clean the litterbox so often. Did I already use that one? Because he's still doing it.

11:37 p.m. - 2005-03-13


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