monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Random notes.

The new piece of the Little Shawl of Horrors is coming along beautifully. It looks much better than the first piece, and I almost want to rip it out and do the first one over. Almost, but no. I'm not insane!

Last night I wrote a very funny journal entry, but sadly, when I tried to post it, Diaryland ate it. Sorry.

So today I left work feeling awful and like I was going to have a terrible cold, but it hasn't gotten a lot worse today. Rich went to the doctor and got a prescription for antibiotics, but first he called his regular doc, who was too busy to see him, but said he would call in a prescription for him. So he's got two prescriptions for antibiotics. You know what I want to do, don't you? That's right, I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll pick up the second one and take it myself. Don't judge me!

Update on Karin's reception:

So I'm all excited about Karin's wedding reception! I called a caterer tonight about the cake and she is sending over some pictures tomorrow for me to look at, but it sounds great! I just want to have a good party for her! I hope she is happy about it all, but the phone she was on made her sound like she was making the call from the dark side of the moon! I could hardly understand her!

Update on Rachel's wedding:

Damn, I just realized that Rachel never finished making hotel reservations for us tonight! She was working on them and then she just wandered off like a baby duck. We need to do that and get a flight reserved for Scott, too!

2:37 a.m. - 2005-03-16


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