monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I end a relationship.

OMG, what a day! I was feeling horrible with this cold by the time I got home this morning, and I slept restlessly until about 12:30, waking up overheated by too many blankets, too many cats, and I think I had a temperature, too.

Rachel picked up Rich's prescription for me and I started taking it (after reading the enclosed warning not to go out in the direct sunlight, for fear I would immolate like a vampire - no need to fear, I avoid the sun because I am a creature of the night) and I think I'm feeling better now. Except that I'm stuffed up, crabby and short-tempered. Hmmm, that pretty much describes me every day.

I tried to make reservations for Scott to fly home from Utah for Rachel's wedding, but it was just overwhelming, so I turned that little job over to him. Sarah said he is a big boy and can do it himself, so I want to give him the opportunity to show me that he is, indeed, big. Go Scotty, go!

Speaking of Sarah, everyone who forgot to acknowledge her birthday, raise your hand! Happy birthday, Sarah!

So later I worked on The Little Shawl of Horrors, and then when I had really messed it up, I took it off the needles, and I am done with it. Rachel wouldn't let me cut the yarn, so it's still attached to the skein. She says the yarn is too nice to throw out and she is going to unravel it carefully. I don't care; she can have it. I don't even feel free of it, no, I feel like a failure! I thought things were going so well, and then it turned on me!

Rachel got the proofs of her engagement photos, and I sent out the ones we like best, so if you are one of the lucky recipients, write and tell me which one(s) you like best.

11:41 p.m. - 2005-03-16


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