monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's lonely at the top.

First I was busy, then Diaryland was down. That's why I haven't updated. I'm back tonight and I am here to say that I have completely finished the Ribby Cardi that I made for Kim. Tonight I bought a zipper and sewed it in! Yes, I did, and then she tried it on and it looks cute. It's not as snug-fitting as the ones I've seen pictures of on knitblogs, but it's a nice little sweater. She said it's itchy, so I might wash it again and put some hair conditioner in the rinse water to soften it up. Wool is (sheep's) hair, you know. Rachel knows how to put a picture on my webpage, so we'll have to take a picture and you'll be able to see it.

I had the weekend off, not that I did anything interesting, and I was not glad to come back to work last night like I usually am. I slept a lot during my time off, because I've had that bad cold, which did not turn into bronchitis this time because of the intervention of antibiotics that I was able to score without a doctor visit, but I still felt tired and sick.

On Saturday Rachel, Kim and I went to Rockford to buy wedding announcements at Michaels. We're going to print them ourselves and enclose the engagement photo, as soon as we decide which will be the engagement photo.

We bought the announcements, a wreath arrangement for her hair, and some little metal charms that will be part of the wedding cake. It's a thing they do with the wedding cake in Argentina - they put charms in the cake with a long ribbon attached to each one and then the girls get to pull the ribbons to see what charm they get. Each one means something and of course one of them is a wedding ring.

Sunday Rachel went to church with us to observe the nursery class as an assignment for her Human Growth and Development class. I observed them when I took that class in the Fall, and it's not all that interesting, but it gets the assignment done.

Then she went to the Singles Ward where she gave a talk in sacrament meeting and we met her there in the evening to do the nursery for the Easter program.

Babysitting for that program was a nightmare, in fact it was like looking into the gaping jaws of Hell, as people kept dropping off their children and there we were, Rich, Rachel, and I, with 50-some kids, some of whom were not happy to be there! Rachel brought a friend with her, who was nice enough to stay the entire miserable time, and the mother of two of the little kids came back after about 30 minutes and took pity on us and stayed.

It was almost impossible to do any sort of organized activity with them, just because there were so many of them! The mom who came back to help out (and I never did get her name, but I love her!) played some Duck, Duck, Goose with a few of them, and toward the end Rachel got some of them to dance around and do the Hokey Pokey and some other standing-up things, but most of them were too little to do it.

We each had a baby to hold, not infants, but under a year old, and there was one little boy who was a terror - he kept kicking things, and sometimes destroying towers and taking toys and throwing them. Yeah, he needed a beating. I kept an eye on him and pulled him aside to sit in a chair when he got too wild, and at one point he threw something and when he saw me coming, he ran and I had to chase him and Rich told me later that when he saw me chase him down behind the piano he tried to listen for the sound of a spanking, but actually I just picked him up and sat him on the piano bench and calmly tied his shoe while telling him not to throw toys. I was a model of calm firmness.

It's really just too long to tell you about every miserable minute, but there was a group of teenagers trying to get one of the little kids so that they could play with him in the hall, there were stupid parents who kept opening the doors to check on their kids, which gets other kids upset because they want to leave, oh, and the twin babies who disappeared... It was two and a half hours that lasted forever.

Diana is off on a road trip, RA is out of town, too, Rachel is working every day and has classes at night, so it's a long week for me.

11:04 p.m. - 2005-03-21


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