monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which words fail me.

Can I just tell you something? My friend Billy No-mates? He has a webcam now, and I'm happy about it, because he spends many happy hours with it turned on, listening to his (terrible) music and chatting online with other guys with cams, and all the time he spends chatting now is time he used to spend whining to me about his miserable life. So my life is happier because I don't have to pretend to care, and his is happier because he has his cyber friends.

Okay, that's not the bad thing. Here's the thing - I like watching him on his webcam while I am at my computer, and I'm glad he has friends to chat with because I can see him laughing and typing on his keyboard, but OMG, today I went to his website and he was sitting in the chair in front of his desk like he always does, but people, he was nude. It wasn't pretty. Not only was it not a pretty sight (and thank goodness it only showed him from the waist up, because if I had seen his dingflanger, I'm sure I would have a case of hysterical blindness right now), but geez, I know him, so I'm looking at the Buddabelly and manboobs of someone that I work with! Yeah, isn't it awful?

2:53 a.m. - 2005-04-27


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