monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Are your ears burning?

In an effort to lighten up my attitude and become more approachable (why?), when I was shopping last week I bought two shirts that aren't black. I feel like I'm a little too bright-colored now, in a baby blue sweater. I can do it, I can wear colors and I will hold my head high. Sigh - I feel like I'm glowing like neon.

So Rachel was complaining that her ear was plugged, and she said it's been a problem for her ever since she had an infection in both ears when she was in the MTC four years ago. She said since then she gets this once in a while and it lasts for a few days. I thought maybe she just has too much ear wax, so we went to the drugstore and bought an ear wax removal kit.

Kim drove to the store, to warm up before her final driving lesson today. She needed to practice backing out of spaces, so when we got back to our house, we drove down the street next to ours and she pulled in and backed out of everyone's driveway!

Anyway, back to the ears. We put in the drops and let them sit in Rachel's ear, and then rinsed them out, according to the directions on the box. The ear still felt plugged, so I called Shelley, who knows how to take care of everything, having had 6 sickly children and not wanting to take them to the doctor all the time. She told me to rinse Rachel's ear using the bulb syringe that came with the kit, and to use warm water, lots and lots of warm water. She said to get a big cup, like a Big Gulp (tm) cup, and fill it with water and use the whole thing, and then to use a second cup, and just keep squirting in water and she assured me that eventually the wax would come out of her ear.

So I used a big cup and lots of warm water, and didn't see any wax coming out, but I filled a the cup a second time and rinsed, but oops, that was a little too warm - the steam rising from the top should have been a clue, I guess. After the second cup of water, we used a third cup, but I still didn't see wax come out. Rachel said she could hear better, though, so we may have been successful. I think she should go to a doctor, but she doesn't have any insurance to cover doctor visits, so she'll have to wait.

Kim did well on her driving final, and then she practiced the harp for a while before she went to YW. She moved up to second chair (from third) in the harp section this week, and then an upstart freshman, who is third chair (of four chairs), challenged Kim for second! The chair challenge will take place next Friday, so Kim is practicing an hour a day to prepare to kick some harp butt! She is going to grind the challenger to dust beneath her heel! Yeah!

Knitting report:

Green shawl - almost done with the first side of border. Two sides to go.

Magic Stripe socks - finished sock #1, just past the cuff ribbing on sock #2. This pair is going to go into the department gift basket, which will be auctioned off next month. Every department does a theme gift basket for the auction and they sell for big bucks. Our theme is something like Relaxing at Home, and the basket will have an afghan, the socks, dvds, candles, chocolates, bubblebath, things like that.

Bronze and Olive hat - on hold until the socks are finished.

12:02 a.m. - 2005-04-28


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