monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


He's cute like a pekingese.

Busy all day Saturday, but nothing much today.

I wanted to go to the Farmer's Market Saturday morning, hoping to buy some canned lamb meat and some yarn, but after driving out into the country, we saw a sign on the way to the little town of Stockton, that said the Farmers Market opens in May. Darn!

Since we were there, Rachel wanted to look around the town, and we did, but there was nothing to see. We did stop for a rummage sale at a little church, but it was pretty grim, and then they started playing country music, too, so we got out of there.

We stopped at a roadside stand where I have bought homemade pies before, but there weren't any darn pies, and some man was too friendly and made Rachel nervous.

We made one more stop, because we were trying to have some fun, dammit, at a big red barn that said there was log cabin furniture inside. Yes, there was furniture made of logs and antlers and whatnot but I don't know why anyone would want it.

There was one cool thing there, though. It was a nativity scene made with bears. A papa bear and a mama bear and a baby bear in a manger, with two small bears in angel costumes suspended from fishing poles hanging over them. There were two supplemental sets that included bears dressed in crowns and robes, and bears wearing shepherd clothes, with bears wearing animal costumes - a sheep, a cow, and a camel! I want those!! The set wasn't complete; the bear in sheep's clothing was missing, but the clerk said she would check on it and call me. Oooh, I need me some bears!

When we got home, Rich was in the den editing the driver's ed film that Kim and Evan made last week, and then Evan showed up, carrying supplies to make crab rangoons!

We were expecting Shawn and Valerie over to eat supper with us, so Rachel and I made sushi, while Evan and Kim made crab rangoons, which were wonderful, and we made some sloppy joes and tater tots, too. It was very casual and it was fun to have company, but their baby wasn't very happy about it. She didn't like the dog, and she wasn't feeling good, and then it was her bedtime, so yeah, she wanted to go home.

After that Rachel and I were going to take a long walk while Rich was editing (at some point Kim, Evan and Rachel went outside to do a reshoot of the scene where they run over the dragon in the road and get a flat tire), and Evan and Kim walked with us. Evan was fascinated when we walked through the cemetary, and Rachel gave him a tour because she wrote a report on the history of some local cemetaries, so she knows all about them.

Later in the evening, Rachel still hadn't had enough fun, so she wanted to go to a movie. We were going to a 9:30 show, so Rich and Kim stayed home - Rich was tired and Kim wasn't interested. We saw Sahara, and it was entertaining, but not something I would see again. It was manly entertainment, all explosions and fistfights and you know, bad guys.

Rachel has a crush on Steve Zahn now, so I went to my Netflix queue and put in all of the movies he's ever been in. Bring your knitting, we're gonna have a crapfest!

2:27 a.m. - 2005-05-02


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