monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


\"...and suffered through hours of agonizing labor to give you life...\"

Well this mother's day thing is okay, I guess. Kim got me a diet pepsi with ice when I asked for it and didn't even complain, Rachel and Kim made dinner for me (spaghetti carbonara, yum) and Scott and Joe (one of Rachel's friends) called to wish me a happy day. Oh, and Rachel gave me a funny card. Very pleasant.

After the lovely dinner, Rachel and Kim and I started making plans to have a garage sale this summer. We certainly have a lot of stuff to unload, so if we can get motivated enough to do more than talk about it, we'll do it later this summer. In the meantime, talking about getting rid of things led to talking about what things of Rachel's still need to be moved out of our house, and that led us out the door and over to RA's house to pick up a microwave stand for Rachel's kitchen.

When we got there, we found Cynthia and the baby were visiting and RA seemed a bit frazzled. I coaxed her outside to sit on the deck - it was a beautful day today - and she sat outside with us for a while.

We dropped off the microwave stand and a couple of things from our house at Rachel's apartment, and I saw that she had stripped her bed, so we grabbed her dirty laundry and brought it back to my house. She put it in the wash and I was going to make some Chocolate Pudding Cake in the microwave, but suddenly I got so sleepy I had to go take a nap! I haven't been sleeping enough, and at 8:00, which is my usual naptime before work, my body just starts going into sleep mode!

So I napped for an hour and Kim made the cake, Rachel talked on the phone and Rich did the dishes. When I woke up, there was cake! Yay!

And now the day is over and I'm back at work. I finished one of the socks that I planned to finish this weekend, and tonight I'm going to finish another one. I would have gotten the third one done, but I got sidetracked and cast on for another Truly Tasha shawl. This one is made of some aran-weight wool, dyed by Mary Jo Burke, who dyes the most beautiful yarns! This is some yarn that I bought at the spinning wheel store years ago, and the color is Sapphire. It's a great shade of blue, and I think it will look good with jeans. I don't know who's going to wear all these shawls, but they are really fun to make!

11:04 p.m. - 2005-05-08


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