monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I admit that I can't take it with me.

I didn't work last night and I slept a LOT, so you'd think I'd be feeling perkier today, but I'm dragging - I think it's this gray, rainy weather.

Went to lunch with RA and Rachel, then Rachel went off to work and RA and I went shopping. RA was mourning the loss of a pair of pink lacy socks I made for her a while ago, and I haven't been able to get any pink sock yarn at Verna's so I haven't made any replacement socks for her.

When I got home from shopping (bought some Q-tips and manila envelopes, how thrilling), I went online to look for pink sock yarn. I went to Patternworks first, because that's always my first and easiest choice, and I put some pink yarn and also some striped sock yarn in my shopping cart but then I had the bright idea of just checking eBay before I committed to the sale at Patternworks.

Wow, what a score! I ended up ordering yarn for 5 pairs of socks from one seller, who had PINK, she had PINK STRIPES, and some bright grass green, too! Woot! It's a little more than I was going to spend to buy the yarn from P-works, but I save a lot on shipping, and well, hey, I don't have to justify it, it's YARN!

I've been knitting a lot out of my stash lately too, so yeah, I'm justifying again, but I recently decided to look around the yarn room and see what all I've got in there, and it's a bit of a surprise to see some of this stuff I forgot I had!

There's some soft, soft, dark mossy green wool that Rachel has been fondling for years and I finally let her have it to knit a lacy stole. It's going to look great with jeans! I found the aran-weight sapphire blue that I'm using for a shawl, too.

You know what's still nagging at me? The Nagano sweater. What am I going to do with that thing? Finish it? Frog it? I'm not going to think about it right now. Maybe I will just hide it in the very back of a closet and years from now, when I'm dead, my granddaughter, who knits, will find it and finish it in my memory. Good luck on that, honey!

2:10 p.m. - 2005-05-13


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