monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Scott's date for the Senior Prom makes a guest appearance on the oboe.

I was sleeping this morning and I heard the phone ring downstairs (the ringer is turned off in my room) but I ignored it and went back to sleep. A few minutes later it was ringing again, so I answered it in a crabby way, and it was Kim, calling to tell me that she was supposed to bring her harp to the concert at school tonight. I asked if she had just called a few minutes ago, and she said yes, she just wanted to let me know about taking her harp, and I said, "You woke me up to tell me that you need your harp at school 7 hours from now?" which made her all huffy. I'm still not sure why she thought I needed that information right then.

A couple of hours later I was awakened by a call from Rachel, who was on her break from work and wanted to tell me something, but I don't remember what it was. Does anyone know that what I do up there in the daytime is sleep?

I woke up at 2:30, which is the time I am normally leaving the house to pick Kim up after school, so it was a bit of a scramble to get there on time. I was hurrying so much, in fact, that I saw the box from Amazon on the counter, knew it was the Folk Shawls book I've been waiting breathlessly for, and I didn't even open it! I just took it with me, in case I had a spare moment, but it had to wait until we got back home. Wow, I was pretty darned excited!

Rachel got to our house after work about the same time Kim and I got home and we looked at Folk Shawls together, then went up to the yarn room and searched for the right yarn to begin the Wool Peddler's Shawl! I pulled a couple of yarns out to swatch with, and while Rachel went to take her last final, I decided on the deep fuschia wool I bought about 5 years ago at the Stephenson County Fiber Festival.

I cast on the WPS and worked on it all through the orchestra concert. The one to which Kim had to take her own harp, because there were a couple of guest harpists, which is why extra harps were needed. Oh, I get it!

So the concert turned out to be excellent, much to my surprise. I usually avoid going if I can, but after Rich and Kim left (with the harp), Rachel called and said she was planning to go so I thought I would earn some Good Mother points and go along. The orchestra was great, the harp recital was great, the guest harpist(s) were great, and one of them turned out to be someone Rachel graduated with, who recently completed a Masters Degree in Harp (oh yeah, there's a money making career), who played beautifully and is going to be Kim's new harp teacher. (Her previous harp teacher, who I like in spite of her year-round orange tan, is taking a year's sabbatical from teaching.)

So not a bad day - got my new book, the concert didn't suck, and umm, well, that's pretty much it. Tomorrow I'm going out of town with Rachel to visit the college she'll start at in the Fall and attend the nursing school orientation.

Reading: The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie

Knitting: The Wool Peddler's Shawl from Folk Shawls, also the Triangle Lace Shawl from Needlework U, and a lovely light brown sock in Paton's Kroy. The Truly Tasha Shawl is resting in a basket for a while.

11:55 p.m. - 2005-05-18


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