monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Horses in the fields were getting hailed on, too.

As part of Steve Zahn Appreciation Month, I watched That Thing You Do a few days ago, and I'm so tired of humming that song!! I've been humming it for days! Make it stop!

Today was Rachel's orientation for the BSN program at NIU, and she asked me to go with her for company on the longish drive, and also to buy her lunch and feed her ibuprophen on the way because she has a cold.

So after 3 hours of much-interrupted sleep in which Zorro ate some of the Spider plant in the bathroom and then woke me up by horking it up on the stairs, and also there were phone calls, I staggered out of the house carrying my knitting and a Diet Pepsi and we took a little trip.

I worked on the Wool Peddler's Shawl on the way there and then, feeling very sleepy, I took a nap in the van while she went to the first part of orientation.

Actually it wasn't so much napping as dozing, because of a lack of real sleep. First the van was delightfully warm, then it got too darn hot. I opened the windows to get a cross breeze and that was pleasant, then the rain started, just some nice cool sprinkling that changed to heavy rain so I rolled the windows mostly back up and kept enjoying the weather.

Finally the rain stopped and I was awake enough to go in and listen to the last hour of orientation. Rachel was ready for more ibuprophen by then, so she took that during the break, and I was just in time for that so I got cookies and strawberries!

On the way home it started raining again, and got heavier, slowing traffic, and then it began to HAIL! Big noisy hail, and people were pulling over to wait it out on the sides of the road, but we kept going because we could see that the sky was lighter ahead and eventually we did drive out of it. By the time we got back home, there wasn't a cloud in the sunny sky and there was no sign of it having rained in our town. The hood of my car is covered with tiny scratches, though.

I took a nap at home and then went over to Rachel's tonight to take some Vicks Vap-O-Rub that she asked for, and more ibuprophen. She was on the couch in the living room with her big afghan, and I tidied up the living room and then her bedroom so she would be more comfortable. It's more fun to clean up someone else's house than your own, always.

So that was my big day and I wish I could remember Scott's comments on why Zorro eats plants, but maybe he will mention it in his journal.

4:16 a.m. - 2005-05-20


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