monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I want to make a little lacy sweater.

Rich went to bed early tonight, as he is still catching up on the sleep he didn't get on Monday when he was at work until 2:30 a.m., and Kim was in the den with the laptop, doing Kimstuff, so to amuse ourselves, Rachel and I played Mexican Train.

Except that we aren't experts at the game, so we had to call Grandma to referee a disagreement about how to play because someone said I was a cheater, but I was playing it the way Grandma taught me, and Rachel just didn't believe me!

Grandma backed me up, but I'm going to Google the instructions later just so we'll have them. And because I like to be right.

I knitted a few more rows on the Triangle Lace Shawl, and it's so much fun to work on (now that Rachel fixed it) that all I really want to do is sit in a chair and knit that shawl. I need to get a tape measure to see how much longer it needs to be.

I was invited to a baby shower for a friend who has adopted a new baby, and I want to knit a baby sweater for her. I always make a Wonderful Wallaby sweater - a hooded sweater with a front pouch pocket - for new babies, in a size to fit an 18-month-old, but I'm a little tired of doing the same thing. I'm thinking of looking through my box of vintage patterns to see if there is a pattern for something lacy that I can knit with some yellow baby yarn I have in my stash. Because I am All About Lace now.

Have I ever mentioned the box of vintage patterns? My friend Katy, who works in Admitting, got the job of cleaning out her aunt's house when the aunt died, and because said aunt did both knitting and crochet, there were tons of patterns, dating from the early 40s into the 70s. Katy crochets, so she kept the crochet patterns and boxed up the knitting patterns for me! They are so cool! So yeah, I'll go through those tomorrow and make something special for Alison's baby.

12:02 a.m. - 2005-06-02


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