monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I made egg noodles. They were amazing.

I slept a lot today but I still feel tired. I finally got up at 4:30 in the afternoon and made some parmesan meatballs for the soup Rachel was going to make after church. I was expecting her home by 6, but then she called and said she would be later, and so I went ahead and made egg noodles for the soup.

I asked Rich to buy some when he went shopping yesterday but he forgot. If you want a blueberry cream soda, no problem,we've got plenty, but egg noodles for the soup? Nope, he forgot. So I looked up a recipe on the internet and made my own. I drafted Kim into helping me by doing the kneading, and then I did the finishing - a little more kneading to get the texture right, roll them out and cut them, then lay them on (cake) racks to dry. They needed to dry for at least an hour, and finally after two hours, I made the soup myself, because Rachel still wasn't home.

Wow, those homemade egg noodles were fantastic! I might have to make them again sometime.

Today I finished the border of the Triangle Lace Shawl! I bound off the last stitch at about 10:00 p.m., and I will commence blocking it tomorrow. Now what will I work on?

The Folk Shawls knitlist has started a new knitalong; the Sampler Shawl from the Folk Shawls book. I have the yarn for it, some sport-weight Rust-colored wool that I bought at Mary's Spinning shop a few years ago. I'd kind of like to finish the Cotton Fleece cardigan for Rachel before I start another shawl, though.

The cardigan is being knit from a pattern in the Handy Book of Sweater Patterns, using the modified drop-sleeve pattern with the lace trim on the cuffs and collar. Rachel picked out a denim-y blue color in the Cotton Fleece yarn. I'm knitting it on size 5 needles at 5 sts to the inch. It's got a nice drape and feel.

Well this is plenty boring, but hey, don't complain unless you write a journal for MY amusement, you ungrateful bastards!

11:50 p.m. - 2005-06-19


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