monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I stick to my knitting.

I have a headache. I have had a headache for about three days and I'm tired of it! I don't know if it's the barometer, PMS, or lack of sleep, but I know that I'm ready for it to stop.

Since I am over all of the drama of yesterday and I am not going to dwell on it and fume about like I usually do, I am going to just move on and talk about knitting. Unless there are new developments.

In knitting news, I am still working on the beautiful Cotton Fleece sweater for Rachel. I love knitting with this yarn, and I need a lot more of it. When Diana comes to town, one of the stops we make on the The Great Midwestern Yarn Tour will be at the knitting store in DeKalb, where Rachel reports that they have tons of Cotton Fleece in great colors!

Did I mention that I finished the Triangle Lace Shawl? I washed it, and LOTS of dye came out of it, then I blocked it by pinning it out on the bed in the yarn room. It's lovely! I took a picture, but I don't know how to make the picture the right size to post here. If you have a suggestion, please let me know.

I am working on sock #2 of the Kroy Grass Green socks, and have barely cast on for the gray/brown tweed Kroy sock #2. I have a sock pattern from a magazine that I want to try next, but not until I finish these socks.

Oops, it's getting late, gotta go work now.

12:16 a.m. - 2005-06-23


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