monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I observe physical exertion, but do not participate.

I am so tired of being hot! It's that horrid, humid hotness, when you take a shower and dry off but you don't really get dry, and by the time you are dressed, you're sweating again. I hate that!

AND the shower head in the upstairs bathroom broke early in the week, so I have to take showers downstairs in the cat's bathroom, where there are always gritty bits of litter on the floor, and I always forget to bring down all of my regular shower stuff so I have to traipse back upstairs to finish and get dressed, and then I'm sweating again!

We were going to buy a new shower head, and you'd think we'd have done that by now, but the heat! The heat saps all of your strength and you lay on your bed after working all night, and the day is hot, and you are sweating gently, and you sleep, but you wake up to hotness and damp sheets from perspiration, and it's hard to make yourself go out to the store.

I don't know where this week has gone anyway, but suddenly it's Saturday and there was talk about shopping today, but then we had volunteered at our various jobs to hand out drinks and snacks at the rest stops on the Bike-A-Thon (to raise money for Cancer research) today so we spent all day sitting in a shaded (but still hot) area, giving drinks to sweaty bikers (we were at mile 73.8 of a 105 mile ride) and directing them to the bathrooms. The hospital where I work is a sponsor of the ride, and Rich works for the marketing company that does the publicity, so there we were, and Rachel went with us for a show of solidarity and also to get out of the house.

So that is why I am still using the shower in the cat's bathroom. On Monday there will be shopping done, and there will be a new showerhead!

When we got home from the Bike-A-Thon, Kim had gone to a babysitting job and we all collapsed to rest from the heat! Rachel was planning to go to the movies tonight with Kim and her friend Sando, so she kept making noises about going home to change, but we were tired, so we played Text Twist at, which is the funnest game in the world to us right now. We have racked up a gigantic score!

Rich went out to pick up subs for supper, and then Birdcage was on, so we watched that while we played some two-handed Euchre. Kim and Catseh played it this way when they didn't have anyone else to play with and Kim showed me how. You deal all four hands, but leave the other hands face down, and the two of you play against each other. You order up trump just like you would in a regular game. When Sando came over for the movie, Kim wasn't back from babysitting, so he played one of the hands with us. Yes, that's right, we found another Euchre player, but he's really all about video games - that's the foundation of their friendship.

So the kids are all gone to see Batman Begins and Rich is walking the dog. Aaaah, the quiet. The temperature is dropping outside, too, so life is good.

10:18 p.m. - 2005-06-25


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