monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Did I mention the bathroom breaks situation at my job yet today?

Ugh, I am so tired of being without internet access at my house! What am I supposed to do all day when I can't read blogs or cruise eBay? Well, I'll tell you. I call up everyone I know on my cell phone and I make them talk to me!

Today I enjoyed talking to Jeanette, Diana, Shelley E. and said a (brief) Happy Birthday to my brother Ed. I called Scott, too, and left a voicemail, and I called Olga to tell her that she should not come and clean tomorrow because the upstairs bathroom is still torn up! Yesterday I talked to Inger, Sarah, Scott, Ruthann, Diana (who is always there for me!) and Rachel. When I ran out of friends to call, I called Rich at work and asked him questions about his day until he recognized that I was bored - well, begged for mercy, actually, and pleaded that he had work to do. The uncaring bastard.

After that I changed the sheets on my bed and made a taco salad for supper. Rachel came over on her break to eat some of the salad, and after she left I lay down on the clean bed and watched crap on TV. When I could see the TV over the silhouette of the cat's big hairy butt! I will be so happy tomorrow when we have internet access again, and anyway, Diana will be here tomorrow!! So I won't need phones or computers because we have things to do! Like shop for yarn! Knit! Make a quilt! Watch movies! Cook! Eat!

Rachel is so very tired of hearing me complain about the upstairs bathroom and lack of internet access that she has invented a Monkey Drinking Game, in which she downs an imaginary shot every time I mention either of those topics. Last night the subject of shopping in Rockford with RA came up and I mocked RA's love for the "restaurant quality strawberries" available at Sam's Club, and you know what? Rachel took another drink! She is a brat and apparently I repeat myself. 1. Who knew? and 2. Suck it up! That's what being a daughter is all about! You pay your dues in listening to your mom tell you the same thing over and over!

8 days and 22 hours until HP and the Half-blood Prince! Yay!

1:34 a.m. - 2005-07-07


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