monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Jane Eyre has a sad childhood.

I've been reading Jane Eyre all night, and the time has flown by! The first few chapters are so sad! I thought that I would have to tell Kim not to read it, but things are looking up at last. Kim has a Late Summer Reading Assignment for one of her classes - she got the letter in the mail in July, with a list of about 10 books she could choose from to read and make notes of her thoughts about one of them. Pride and Prejudice was on the list; a book I never get tired of, but she read it last year and wanted to try another one. Rachel and I said we would read Jane Eyre, too, when Kim needed some encouragement to (put down the video game controller) get started. So here I am, sniffling over the sad story of the little girl in the orphanage...

Rachel and Kim went to the library in the morning while I was sleeping to get a print copy of Jane Eyre for each of them - I'm reading it on Project Gutenberg - and while they were there, Rachel saw a copy of Cotillion by Georgette Heyer on the sale rack, so she bought it for me! It was only 50 cents for a very used paperback, large-print copy! She knows how much I love large-print books; they are perfect for propping on my lap to read while I knit, and I love Cotillion!

I am knitting Orange Opal Sock #2, and it is moving right along. Last week I had a lot of pain in my right wrist and hand, and in my right ring finger, where the needle presses against my finger, right under the joint. I was afraid the finger pain was damage from pressing on a nerve, so I've been wearing a bandage on that spot while I knit and yay! it's getting better! The wrist pain was just too much typing, I think, so I played less Text Twist, and knitted slightly less, and the pain is gone.

Still enjoying my beautiful new toilet!

A quote from Scott for your edification: "Diamonds are thermodynamically unstable, but Cubic Zirconia are forever."

6:04 a.m. - 2005-08-09


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