monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I slave over a hot stove.

I've been busy since I got up! Kim got her golf team practice schedule in the mail, and the first official practice was today. so she needed a sports physical for school (yeah, grandfathers are out there carrying their bags around the course, but my 16 yr old needs a physical before she can play!). Well, I had left that until the last minute, not realizing summer was almost over, so Rachel called around while I was sleeping today and begged for an appointment. She got an appt. for 1:20, so I got up and showered and took Kim to the doctor.

After that we drove out to the golf course and paid for a Student Annual pass, which is required for the golf team and allows her to play on weekdays from August to the end of October. After that I think I'll get a regular pass for her to use, and maybe a family one next Spring. We drove back home after that and then an hour later I took her back to the golf course to play with the team. They were supposed to practice for two hours, but it was so hot the coach cut it short and I had to go back in an hour to pick her up. She came home with a team golf club bag that they carry during the season! It's black with Orange writing; the the school colors!

We drove by the high school on the way home, so we could go in and register her for school, but the hours for today ended at 4 and it was 5 after! Darn! Tomorrow registration is 11 to 7, so I'm thinking of asking Rachel if she'll take her over there in the morning while I'm sleeping.

When I got home I got a phone call from a friend I haven't talked to in a while, and she wanted to talk about her son, so I spend at least 30 minutes talking to her, (I am always happy to listen like a therapist), and then started cooking so I would have some dinner for Rich when he got home, and it's so HOT it was killing me to cook!

To amuse myself, I called RA and talked on the phone while I cooked, and now dinner is in the oven.

Rich came home from work and then went out again for an appointment to work on the computers in the family history center at the church - just getting them all set up and connected to the printers, and he said they had pizza for lunch at work, so he wasnt' hungry. You see how it is? I don't make dinner every night, and then when I do, he's not hungry. Well, it will be done if people are hungry later, and at least I get a good meal.

I have to take Kim over to the church at 7 for YW, unless Rich gets done and is back by then. Then I'm going to take a nap before work.

So that's my day! And it's hot here!!

6:58 p.m. - 2005-08-10


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