monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Since I found Serenity

It's been fun having Scott here all week, and now he's going back to school. Rich will drive him to the airport while I am sleeping in the morning.

What did we do while he was home? Hmm, we went to the county fair, which involves eating fair food and looking at rabbits and chickens and very little else. I am not interested in horses or tractor pulls, but sometimes I will walk through the barn that has displays of hobby collections (yawn) and the winners of the various vegetable shows - who grew the best zuchini, that kind of thing. This year RA entered a cake contest and her cake won! So we looked at the baked goods, and then Scott wanted to look at the sheep, so we walked for what seemed like miles to the sheep barn and admired wool that was still on the hoof. It wasn't all that thrilling, but I got some cheese curds, and that's what I go to the fair for!

The main thing we did this week was watch 4 DVDs of Firefly episodes! I bought them back in July for Rich's birthday, but after we watched the pilot episode we never found time to sit and watch another one together! So Rachel and Scott and I were all sitting together and wanted something to watch while knitting (well, not Scott - he doesn't knit). We ended up watching several episodes the first night, and then Scott and I watched more by ourselves, and last night I had to work, but Scott was staying up until Rachel got home from Chicago, and he wanted to watch the rest before he left for school, so he watched the last 4 but one, and tonight Rachel and I watched the last one with him. It's such a good show! Scott was online today looking for a t-shirt to order, and he finally found what he wanted, the shirt with the original Chinese characters (not the characters used in later episodes, which are more correct, apparently, but not as rare and therefore not as cool as the characters used earlier), so he searched pretty thoroughly and finally found what he was looking for. Geek. It was amusing to watch the show with Scott because he could translate most of the Chinese phrases, although he complained about the pronounciation.

While watching Firefly I knitted on a lacy shawl, and I got a lot done, and get this - I didn't even have to have Rachel holding my hand and coaching me! I figured out how to follow the charted pattern myself! Now I'm ready to go back and knit the Flower Basket Shawl that I tried last winter to knit, and finally had to rip it out when I couldn't understand how to keep knitting when the chart ended!

2:17 a.m. - 2005-08-29


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