monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Mostly knitting content.

Okay, when you have a medical problem in the middle of the night, first of all, do not call the operator at the local hospital and tell her all about it. She cannot give you advice. The ER? They don't give advice either, and they will tell you to call your doctor. Yes, they know the office is closed, thanks for the information, but here's the thing that most people do not seem to be aware of - the doctor has an answering service! That's right, and the answering service will help you reach your doctor for advice, or they will contact the doctor who is on call for them, because this will surprise you, but doctors sometimes have a night off. Oh, you say your daughter who just drove home in a car full of gas fumes is coughing so hard she can't breathe and has asthma? Then stop telling me about it and call your doctor right now!

I was at Joann Fabrics today, looking for yarn for a baby sweater for baby Audrey, and I saw a few interesting yarns that I would like to try, but nothing for a baby sweater. I really needed to be at Verna's to buy yarn for the sweater, but it was on the other side of town and I needed to pick up Kim, so I didn't have time to go there. One of those yarns at Joann is haunting me, so I might have have to buy some to make a pullover for Kim.

Tonight I'm starting another sweater, just a simple pullover with some shaping to make it interesting to work on. This is for Rachel and I unravelled the pieces of another sweater that I was making for her so that I could use that yarn to make this sweater. It's the blue Cotton Fleece that I was using to knit a cardigan. All the pieces were done, I was stalled on sewing them together. It's going to be a pullover now.

While I knit the sweater, I will be reading out loud to my tape recorder, making an audiotape of Why Didn't They Ask Evans by Agatha Christie for Rachel to listen to in the car. When I'm done with this one I'll tape The Sittaford Mystery. They are kind of fun to do, and so much less expensive than buying audiotapes.

I think I'll take some ibuprophen now and get some work done before I start knitting and reading. My ribs hurt from sneezing so much yesterday - it was a bad allergy day!

11:52 p.m. - 2005-09-12


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