monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


But she doesn't know about Firefly.

I am up at 5:30 this morning because I went to bed early last night. It feels pretty good, and I already had fun cutting the front of Kim's hair, so it's a good day so far! She had that anime-style hair, where it was longer in the very front so it would hang down at the sides of her face, but I was tired of it, so I talked her into shortening it up and she let me cut it before she went to school. She's wearing a very cute top, a black tunic that I got at Old Navy when I bought her a lot of clothes before EFY, but she's hardly worn any of them because it's been so hot. I'm thinking of going through her dressers and cleaning out old clothes that she never wears, to make room for some of the stuff piled on the chair in her room. She's got a huge pile of jeans on the floor in front of one of the dressers, and I'm not sure why. Do they all fit? Then why did I have to buy new ones? Just wondering.

Rich was sitting in a chair in the living room, watching a movie on TV, and I don't know what it was about, but there was a fire and a dog barking to warn people and Kim made him turn it off so she wouldn't have to see a dog die before school. HAHAHA! He told her he's seen it before and the dog doesn't die, but she told him she was an animal lover and she couldn't watch that! I just thought it was funny that he turned it off.

Scott has a date tonight with a girl he has mentioned a couple of times before, but not by name until just recently. Apparently she wears black Converse high-tops, just like him, so there you go. It's obviously a match.

5:56 a.m. - 2005-09-16


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