monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I go to the movies.

Went to see a movie with Rachel tonight. We were happy to find out that we were there on half-price Tuesday, and even happier when we realized that we saw a not-very-good movie for only half-price.

We saw Just Like Heaven, and if you have seen the ad for it on TV, you've seen all the good parts. Now you know that, you can wait and rent the DVD later. If you are excited about seeing Jon Heder, I can tell you that he is the best thing in the movie, and there isn't enough of him. What you see in the TV commercials is almost all of him that you'll see in the movie. And he needs some cosmetic dental work.

Oh well, it wasn't as bad as when I went to see Serendipity and was begging for it to just END! When that one was over, I saw a friend leaving the theater on the first level right below me and called down to her, "Did that suck or what?" in a loud voice. I felt a chill in the air then, as if other movie-goers did not agree with me. Some people don't know a bad movie when they sit through it until their ass is numb.

Still working on the lavender baby sweater. Last night I finished the body, and tonight I'm working on the first sleeve. I started a sock in the movie and did about 3 inches of the leg.

Back at work and I'm tired.

11:25 p.m. - 2005-09-20


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