monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I don't get enough sleep. What else is new?

I was just out shopping with RA. We went to W*lmart, then to the candy store to buy jelly bellies for Scott, and then we stopped at another store to look for postcards of Illinois that she needs for something. When we left W*lmart, I sat in the car and RA went to put the cart back and she never came back for a long time. Finally I saw her at the end of a row of cars talking to someone and they were getting their wallets out so I guess they wanted to brag about their grandchildren. Then I realized that the person she was talking to was someone that I know but do not love to listen to, so I pulled out my phone and pretended to talk on it, so when they waved at me, I just waved back and didn't get out of the car to go join them. Actually then I called Rachel and Scott and left whiny messages on their cell phones! "It's hot! I'm bored! I have a headache!" Then I found a bottle of Ibrupropen laying on the dashboard shelf, so I took some of that and finally RA stopped talking and came and got in the car.

Olga came and cleaned this morning and she closed the door to my room so she wouldn't wake me up, but that trapped all 3 cats and the dog in my room, so after she left the dog was bumping at the door, trying to open it, the idiot, so I woke up in a hot, stuffy room full of animals! I couldn't go back to sleep after that, so I finally got up and called RA to see if she wanted to go out. That's how I ended up tired and cranky, sitting in the car in the parking lot at W*lmart!

I'm home now, drinking a pop with ice and checking Rachel's eBay auctions for her. She is suddenly all about Georgette Heyer books, so we looked for some on eBay yesterday and bid on several lots. One of them should be ending any time now - Yay! I just checked and she won that one! While I was on the website, I found a couple of mysteries I was interested in, too, so I bought those. I have to buy books on eBay now since I can't go to the library since the mean librarian was rude to me (after I was bitchy to her, but hey, she has to be nice even when the customers aren't! That's how it works at my job, anyway, but maybe hers is different.) Where was I? Oh yeah, so I have to buy books online now.

Kim just got home from school, so I have to go grill ask her nicely about her day.

2:58 p.m. - 2005-10-13


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