monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which the fun never stops.

This is my weekend off, and it's been a very long weekend! In fact, it feels like the weekend should be over, so I can go back to work, where I have something to DO! Yes, I know, there are people who would be cleaning and getting organized, but I'm not one of those. I would rather just be bored and whine and play Cubis 2. Lots of Cubis 2.

Yesterday I did manage to do one load of laundry (still a big pile down there!), and I did change the sheets on my bed, thereby making more dirty laundry to wash. I also made dinner, kind of a Spanish Rice. I made Spanish Rice but added a can of beans and a can of corn. It was pretty good. Rachel made apple crisp, and that was very good!

I keep cycling through my Favorites list of journals, looking for something to read, and complaining about people who don't update! Don't they realize that even if they don't think their lives are interesting, that I am here, needing to be entertained? Even if they are only talking about laundry, or how much pigeon poop is collecting under the eaves, I like to know about it!

Then I thought about how often I don't update, even when I know that my sisters are going to work, turning on their computers and checking my journal eagerly, hoping for an update! And it isn't there! There is nothing going on here, people, nothing! But, I will try to be better about updating. I will not selfishly play Cubis and drink Diet Pepsi when I could instead be writing about the enchantment that is my life.

So Kim's hair? It has gone from pink, to violet, to white, and now back to light brown, this time with subtle caramel-colored highlights. She is planning to let it grow out, so Dawn trimmed it up and waxed her eyebrows, and she looks cute. If I could figure out how to change the size of my pictures, I could post a picture of her with her new haircolor.

In other Kim news, we went for a walk last night (the two-mile route and ouch, I am so out of shape!), and she was telling me about her fan-fic that has been posting on a fan-fiction website. She has another chapter almost done and plans to post it this weekend. I told her that some of the journalers I read are doing a project called National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, and she thought that sounded fun, so we looked it up and registered her for it when we got home. Another thing that I need a smaller-sized picture for, because she has a profile on the NaNo website where she can put a picture, but the scan of her new school picture is too big. Kim has lots of plots boiling on the back burners of her mind, so it will be interesting to see what she writes for this.

Rachel went to her first day of clinical practice yesterday and it was just orientation, no actual patient contact, so all that preliminary worrying and not sleeping? Wasted. She goes back next Friday, and will actually do some nursing.

I haven't really talked to Scott for a couple of days, although he is leaving a message on my voicemail every night. He is supposed to call nightly, just to let me know he's not dead, and that is what his messages say, sometimes in Chinese, "Just calling to let you know I'm not dead. Not dead!" I called him from my walk with Kim but there were squealing loud girl voices in the background and he said he was leaving to go to the movies, so apparently he's getting out and having fun.

I'm going to go make breakfast now, and then do some laundry. I bought yarn to make an afghan for Jeanette, so I want to start that today, and if I can find something to read, I'll just knit and read. Oh, my life! It is so exciting!

7:41 a.m. - 2005-10-15


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