monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



Well, it's Sunday afternoon and Rich and Kim are sleeping after church, Rachel just left with a friend to drive to their singles ward, and I am thinking about going back to bed.

I started working Jeanette's afghan a couple of days ago. It is made of knitted squares in three colors and three texture patterns, that are sewn together into a big blanket at the end. It's made of Lion Brand Homespun, and the pattern was free in the store where I bought the yarn. The pattern is also available online at the company website. My next-door neighbor made one like it for Scott, and he loves it!

So there are a total of 50 squares to be knitted, and I've got 4.5 done. I think I'll keep a running total as I go, like this: 4.5/50. So if you care about the progress of Jeanette's afghan, you can watch it here.

I put a roast in the crock pot this morning before I went to bed, and Rachel made mashed potatoes while I was sleeping. We steamed some broccoli, too, so we all had a nice Sunday dinner. Well, this is fascinating, I'm sure, but I think I'll go back to knitting afghan squares and watching hurricane coverage.

1:20 p.m. - 2005-10-23


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