monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


And I bought jam, too.

I'm loving the cooler weather! It's been beautiful here, with the leaves turning colors. I went with RA to find the mysterious disappearing apple orchard again today, and we found it! We also saw two lamas out in a farmyard, which was charming. I love lamas!

As I went to bed this morning, a sudden, horrified thought shot through me - I forgot to submit my self-review to HR! It was due Oct. 18, and I did the peer review for Barb, no problem, and submitted that, but the self review is all complicated and a pain in the ass to document all of my wonderfulness throughout the previous year (because I have to make it all up), so I started working on it and then set it aside to be worked on later, only damn! I forgot about it!

Three hours later I woke up, and I don't know why I am sleeping so lousy lately, and immediately (well, after a Diet Pepsi and the checking of my email) called my boss to grovel about the review. He said to just do it and get it turned in quickly, and then he checked the date and, oops! I have plenty of time because it's due NOVEMBER 18. Well alright then. Heh.

Then I got dressed and went out with RA to find the magic orchard of goodness and donuts, and when I got home Kim was already home, playing a video game and waiting for cider.

While she played the game I chatted online with her friend Sando because he is a little weird and she is tired of talking to him. She will talk a little but mostly she ignores him! I tried getting him to get excited about doing some things, but since they are all things that require him to leave him house and computer and go out in the real world, he was not really interested. What is wrong with these kids? They don't want to DO anything! I told Kim she just needs to think of one activity to do every weekend and then tell the people she sits with at lunch what her plan is and they will all go do it, and it will be fun! She was almost interested in it, so I'll keep encouraging her, but I just don't understand them! They're kids! They need to do things!

I'm tired.

Afghan: 5.5/50

4:45 a.m. - 2005-10-25


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