monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Just hang my bones on the Christmas tree. Did I already use that for a title?

It's my weekend off, starting with last night, so I was asleep by 8:30, causing me to wake up at 5! Actually I woke up once in the night when Rich was coughing, but then he got tired of it, so he went down to the couch, where he could sleep propped up, so I wasn't bothered by his annoying cough after that.

It's almost 8, and I've already folded two baskets of laundry, sorted laundry and put another load in the wash, and gone through a pile of miscellaneous papers on the kitchen counter, throwing away old stuff! When I took a shower, I even used a Clorox cleaning wipe thingy to clean the sink, because the cleaning lady did not show up yesterday. Yes, I even cleaned my own sink! I'm thinking of cleaning some windows today, including the one on the stair landing where Buffy looks out the window longingly for her daddy every day, and smoozes it all up with her nose! Maybe I'll clean the burners on the stove, too! Yes, and maybe I'll grow wings and fly to the moon, because you know the minute I finish writing this update I'm just going to go sit on the couch and knit.

I got not one, but two Georgette Heyer mysteries in the mail yesterday. I'm pretty happy about that! So my plan for today is to read, knit and cook a little, between loads of laundry.

So Sarah's horrendous wedding drama is over, more or less. The wedding that was going to be next weekend that was ruined, ruined! by that bitch Wilma, is being rescheduled for the end of January, when we will all be grateful to get away from the hideous midwest and go to Cancun where it's warm! I will, no doubt, be dead, having gone down in a fiery ball of metal and screaming stewardesses, which is what I know is my fate every time I set foot on a plane, but I don't mind risking my life for my sister. Don't weep for me when I'm gone. Wait, I want weeping, I want sorrow, and I want people wishing they had been nicer to me when I was alive!

7:57 a.m. - 2005-10-28


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