monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's a beautiful Fall day!

I just went to DQ for a delicious chili dog with RA, and we ate in the car while watching a crow pick through the leaves on the ground, looking for discarded food. RA threw a french fry to him, but I don't think that was such a good idea. The crows around here are as big as dogs (well, not my dog, but they are as big as, say, Diana's dog Hereboy), and I don't think we need to encourage them to scrounge for leftovers. When I leave work in the morning, there are always huge crows in the parking lot of the hospital, looking for garbage, and I've seen a big crow land on top of a car and just stand there, surveying the lot! Eww, they're just creepy.

Kim and her friends passed out treats last night, and the level of noise in the living room was pretty high, what with them playing DDR and talking, so Rich and I took the dog out for one of her dozen daily walks. It was fun to be out walking among the trick or treaters! I haven't been out with kids on Halloween in years! There were hordes of them, too! We got quite a few comments on our excellent dog costume, har har.

I'm sleeping badly again this week, but I think it's partly because of the time change. I planned to take a sleeping pill when I got home this morning, but I forgot. I should put them in my purse tonight, so I can take one before I leave work in the morning.

Knitting news: I worked on the Gryffindor scarf this weekend, but it's not done yet. I need to finish it and get the Slytherin scarf done too! Only 17 days until the movie opens!

Jeanette's afghan: No progress on that this weekend. Still at 8/50.

Made a pair of slippers that are meant to be felted, but haven't gotten them as far as the washer yet. I think I'll go do that right now!

1:46 p.m. - 2005-11-01


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