monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which there was a party in my formerly clean living room.

Yesterday I fell into bed when I got home in the morning, and two hours later, I woke up to the noise of my next-door neighbor, leaf-blowing right under my window! What is with that? He knows I work nights and sleep during the day, but he's out there manicuring his yard with a loud machine? I was wishing he would fall over with a heart attack, landing with the leaf-blower on top of him!

I know that old retired men don't have enough to do and they turn their energy toward their lawn, but it would be smarter to rake the lawn - the old-fashioned way! - that way he could keep his heart healthy with some exersize, as well as having a well-groomed lawn! It's futile for him to rake (blow) his lawn anyway, because I'm not going to rake mine, and all of my leaves are going to end up on his grass.

I got out of bed and called Rich to complain about my misery but he was too busy to offer the proper amount of caring, so I called RA and she totally came through for me! She recommended Tylenol PM and a bit of breakfast, and once I had taken the drugs and eaten the food, I was feeling sleepy again, so she was right. I slept for a couple more hours and felt much better.

When I woke up, I went out to do a couple of errands with RA, and Kim, who had a half-day of school yesterday (and none today! these kids never have school!), was playing video games with her friend Sando in the living room.

She had planned a sleepover with her girlfriends, and Sando was here for the early part of the party, too, because he's practically a girl himself. They all read manga together, play DDR, and sigh over attractive anime characters.

I made shrimp and chicken fried rice for them, and the girls made a mess in the kitchen cookies later. I went to bed about 10, but it seems that the party was a success. Sando's father called and ordered him home after he'd been here for about 10 hours, the living room is a mess, and I heard the girls going up to Kim's room to go to sleep at 3:30. Oh, and Sando decided to break up with his girlfriend, who doesn't even play video games, and the other girls were happy about that. So a good time all around, then.

There was some debate about the trip to Michigan last night, but in the end, we agreed to go, so we'll leave when Rachel gets home from clinicals today. She worked on homework and a care plan for today's patient for about 6 hours last night! Nursing school is not a day at the beach, it's hard work!

I need to go do some laundry and clean up the cookie sheets from last night!

7:27 a.m. - 2005-11-04


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