monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which we take a road trip.

Got home from the trip to Michigan last night at 10. When we got in the car to drive home, Rachel and I were all excited because we'd had a great weekend, but by the time we got home 7 hours later, she was feeling a bit less enthusiastic. The traffic was heavy most of the way, and I had stomach problems, so we had to keep looking for a bathroom, which slowed us down.

Oh man, I spent too much time in the filthiest gas station bathrooms on that trip home! In one of them, there was only a couple of squares of toilet paper, but fortunately we had some with us! The day we left Illinois I was having a terrible allergy attack, so I was carrying a roll of toilet paper to blow my nose! We left the roll there for the next unfortunate patron of that restroom.

Overall, the trip was good. We made great time on the drive to Ann Arbor, and got excellent gas mileage, too. Saturday morning when we woke up, my father-in-law had already been out to buy donuts, so we had breakfast and then met up with Inger and Jeanette to go to the Museum of Art.

The museum is small, so it's easy to look at everything and by the time your feet are tired, you've seen it all and can go home. I wanted to show Rachel my favorite painting, The Twins by Bouguereau. When I was looking for a link to The Twins just now, I found that he painted another picture that I love! The Knitting Girl !

When we left the museum, we went to have pizza at a restaurant down the street, and next door was a used book store! You know we had to go there and buy a bagful of books! Did I mention that we made the trip to Michigan to pick up boxes of books from my parent's house? Well, you can't have too many books!

Rachel and Jeanette went to a Murder Mystery party Saturday night and I watched TV and went to bed early! I fell asleep while reading, and woke up two hours later, wondering if Rachel knew how to find her way back to the house! I was a little worried, but she called me when she was leaving Jeanette's place and said she had it figured out. She got home at 2, and said it had been really fun.

After church on Sunday - wow, the singles ward there is so much bigger than the little branch Rachel goes to here - we met my brother at the house and loaded boxes of books into the van! We had taken out the passenger seats and left them home, so there was lots of room, and we filled it up! There were some miscellaneous items of food storage, and boxes of pictures, and my grandma's journals, too.

We left it all in the car and just brought in our own bags when we got home, so we could brush our teeth, etc, and I was planning to unload the car today, but when I woke up, it was gone! Rich drove it to work with everything in it, because it was parked behind the other car.

So we had a good trip, fun visiting everyone, and now Rachel is dying to move to Michigan and live in Jeanette's condo with her. Too bad she's still got a year and a half of nursing school to go!

10:00 a.m. - 2005-11-07


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