monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I get a blast from the past.

It's really cold here! I just went for the two-mile walk wearing only a sweatshirt-type shirt, and I tell you what, I was freezing! My ears were aching inside because cold wind got into them! Ow sweetie, ow dahling!

I had a bit of a shock today when a friend from high school emailed a picture to me from the 30th reunion of our class! I didn't even realize it was the 30th reunion at first, I thought it was the 20th, but then no, that wasn't right...wait a minute! Oh, the horror! Not only did I graduate from high school 30 years ago, but you know those people I graduated with? They're old! OMG, am I old? Apparently so.

So that was depressing. But then I saw that the sender had not stripped the headings when she sent the picture, and there were the email addresses of many people that I had not heard of in years! Oh, and btw, I didn't recognize anyone in the picture! Also, I didn't actually graduate from that high school. I transferred to a private school in my sophomore year, was expelled about 3 months later, and finished high school in another town.

One of the names was of someone I had thought of many times over the years and wished I could contact, but could never find a phone number for her, so I wrote an email and got an answer tonight! It was great! I love people that check their email and respond quickly! She wrote about everything that she's done for the last 30 years, and she's had an interesting life that I can't wait to get more details of, and I sat right down and wrote back to tell her about myself and my family but then Rachel started nagging me to come and walk and I had to cut it short and go out in the wind! And the cold!

So I had my walk and I'm at work with my knitting, and my book, and my ears are almost back to normal. Tomorrow I'm going to take a hat and gloves with me! And maybe wear a coat!

What I'm knitting today:

I brought some wool and needles last night to make some warm mittens, but haven't made a lot of progress. The first try was too small, the second try is looking too big, and the wool is lovely, but a bit sticky on the bamboo needles because of the lanolin content. I don't have anything else with me to work on, though, and you know I have to knit, so I might rip these out and start over.

I wish I had brought the yarn to make some more squares for Jeanette's afghan. I'd like to get it done before Thanksgiving (note to Jeanette: Don't get your hopes up.), so we could take it with us to give to her. But then I start thinking about trying to finish the Gryffindor scarf before the movie opens, and then I get stressed and have to sit down.

What I'm reading today:

I brought another Georgette Heyer mystery to work with me. I read this book not long ago, but then one of the books I read while I was in Michigan referred to a character who had been a young teenager in a previous book, and I knew I had read the book but couldn't remember which one it was. I flipped through some of the new eBay aquisitions and found it! So I'm going to read it again, just to enjoy the story in the context of the other one. Stop thinking I'm a nerd!

Oh, and you know all those books we brought back from Michigan? Finally got them unpacked tonight. Rachel and a friend unloaded them into the garage. There are still four boxes of photos and journals in the back of the van, and I'm going to take those to the basement so they'll be handy to sort out.

Gotta go rip out a mitten now. I wish I had some of the afghan yarn with me. Oh, but I need to finish the Gryffindor scarf...

11:10 p.m. - 2005-11-09


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