monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am tired of trying to teach idiots how to parent.

I finished the Gryffindor scarf today, except for the fringe. I hate making fringe, so I hope to bribe Rachel to do that part. I needed another ball of yarn for the fringe, so I stopped at Verna's and bought it, but then I looked at the sock yarn, and just to encourage her to keep stocking the kind I like - Paton's Kroy - I bought two more balls, but she only carries 3 colors because she didn't want to make a huge investment, and the colors are black, tweedy grey, and icky taupe. I just finished a pair of socks in the lovely tweedy grey, I don't like to knit with black yarn, so I bought some of the (ugh) taupe. Sigh.

Okay, so one ball of yarn to finish a project, fine. Two balls of sock yarn, fine. Here's where I just went batshit crazy, though, and it was really RA's fault because she doesn't knit and is also cheap, so she went to look at the sale shelves where Verna unloads the crap that no one buys or the odd balls left of a good color, and I followed her over there just in case there was something good, and I saw several balls of light grey bulky wool, enough to maybe make something except that I do not knit with bulky wool! I hate bulky wool! However, under the influence of one of the knitblogs I read, Crazy Aunt Purl, I bought that bulky wool because it was Patons Up Country! Crazy Aunt Purl loves Up Country and has stashed herself a hoard of it because it was discontinued by Patons. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I've got it.

I am doing something else today under the influence of another person's journal, and that is, I'm reading Harry Potter fan-fiction. I can't even believe I'm doing it, but a person I like recommended it, and I went to the website just to have a look and it's very good! I've been reading it all day! I plan to finish it tonight while I knit at work. So there's my secret shame - I'm reading fan fic.

What I'm knitting today:

I finished the Gryffindor scarf this morning, so I pulled Kim's Slytherin scarf out of her church bag - she only works on it at church - and I'm going to finish it for her. I didn't bring it to work tonight, though, because it's long and gets in the way of itself and everything on my desk. Instead I brought some repair work...

I was sorting socks today, matching handknit socks as they came out of the dryer, and one of the socks had some obvious dog damage! I don't know how long ago she did it, but Buffy the Very Bad Dog had chewed up the top of another sock! Tops are easy to fix, so I brought it to work and cut off the chewed part, unraveled the edge of the cut part until it was even, and then picked up the stitches on needles. I'm going to knit an inch and a half, the amount that was destroyed by the dog, and then bind off. It would look better if I were using the same color, but I didn't care enough to go find some, so I'm doing it with some leftover tweedy grey. Yeah, that does sound stupid. I think I'll find some matching yarn and do it right tomorrow. The hard part is done now, so I'll just let it sit on the needles while I work on my mitten instead.

A Blunt Instrument by Georgette Heyer. This one came in a box of books that Rachel bought on eBay, and I don't think I've read it before, so I'm pretty excited about it.

I was going to write about a frustrating conversation that I had earlier this evening with an old friend, but it was just about parenting and most of you know my parenting theories already, so I'm not going to piss myself off complaining about those weak parents who let their kids walk all over them. Maybe tomorrow.

12:17 a.m. - 2005-11-12


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