monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Somebody told me.

I made chili today, from scratch! I even cooked my own beans, a procedure that I made more complicated than it should have been. The chili turned out well, but when Rachel was washing dishes tonight, she wondered why I had to use so many pans! That just makes it taste better, sweetie!

I didn't do much else, just knitted a few rows on the Slytherin scarf while watching Kim play a video game, and put away the Halloween decorations that Rich got out. He hadn't made any effort toward putting them away so maybe he was planning to hang tinsel on them and call it Christmas. I napped a little in the evening and did the two-mile walk with Rachel before I came to work.

Sorry, it was just a slow day! I spent some time talking on the phone with someone I haven't talked to since July, and, oh yeah, Kim got a call for a harp gig at a wedding next June, and it turned out to be the daughter of someone we know. So that was cool; I got to spread the news about the wedding to a couple of other friends since I was the first to know!

If anything interesting happens, I'll let you know.

11:30 p.m. - 2005-11-13


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