monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which the dog is in estrus, and I have PMS

I am having a terrible day. Well, it didn't start out bad, but suddenly, yeah, it's the worst.

I got up at 1, went out for a hamburger and shopping with RA and then we drove around to do some random errands and enjoy the sunshine! It was cold but not excessively so, and then it started sprinkling so that was somewhat less pleasant.

When I got home, the fun began. The dog is still bleeding so I keep finding drops of blood everywhere, and this carpet has got to go!! The carpet was here when we moved in and was fairly new, but after we have lived on it for 11 years, well, it's pretty worn. We were planning to pull it up anyway, and now we will just have to get on that. So anyway, I have to keep cleaning up dog spots every time I turn around and every freaking towel in the house is dirty!!

Then Buffy was acting all antsy like she needed to potty, so I took the dog out to the yard where it is raining and only 37 degrees so it's cold, too, and she peed and then she acted like she wanted to stay out but I made her come in, and I saw her coming out of the basement later, so I went down there and she had pooped on the floor! I cleaned that up, threw it in the toilet down there, where it did not flush completely. Plunged the toilet, flushed again, still not gone. Gave up.

Went into the laundry room, sorted laundry. Threw in a load of towels, plus the comforter cover, because Rich, trying to be helpful, used a comforter to cover the couch last night so Buffy wouldn't bloody up the couch. What is harder to wash than a dirty comforter? I pulled off the cover, but the comforter? I might just throw it out, it's old and nasty. Came upstairs and found the dog had pooped in the living room. Swore, cleaned up poop. Lit a candle for the smell. Wiped up random spots of blood. Prayed for (the dog's) death.

Took the previous blood-spotted blanket off the couch. We keep a light blanket on the couch all the time because the dog is always laying on it and that's a light colored couch so it always looks dingy and terrible. I hate the couch. Re-covered the couch with towels, one of which was damp from Rachel's shower, but all the rest of the towels are in the laundry!

After all that cleaning I called the vet we usually go to and it will cost 250 dollars for spaying! I asked if there was ever a sale price on that because I have two kids in college and that's a lot of money! They said no, and I said I was going to call around and if I found a cheaper price I would have to go with it, and then I called another place that Rachel knew of and they can do it for 150 so I am going to find Buffy's shot record and fax it to them tonight. They also want a stool sample and I assured them that we have plenty of dog poop available for that!

I was exhausted and depressed, so I opened Rachel's mail, a big envelope from St Louis U. It was a letter of acceptance and a packet of stuff from the accelerated nursing program. Started to cry, wishing she could do it, because she's wasting her youth here where she's never going to meet anyone and she is the backbone of her tiny branch - this week she played the piano in Sacrament meeting, played the piano again in RS and taught the lesson, brought dessert to the Sunday night dinner, plus she usually drives the Sunday carpool from here to the branch in Rockford.

Rachel came home for dinner, read the letter and said if she changes to that program, she can finish her BSN in May of 2007 instead of Dec. 2007, so she might do it. I think it would be better for her to be in St Louis where there is a big singles WARD and things to do. Dave Asshat doesn't go to the singles ward, he goes to the family ward, so she would run into him occasionally, but she says it wouldn't bother her. Good, because I would like him to see her and feel it eat away his soul like acid because he isn't worthy of her.

I took a Tylenol PM so I hope I will be getting sleepy soon because this life is not something I want to stay awake for.

11:59 p.m. - 2005-11-14


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