monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I see London, I see France...

So, the dog? Yes, she is still having her doggy period and I am so freaking sick of it!! I woke up this morning at 7 and saw Kim out in the hall, cleaning blood off of the rug! 1. What a good girl, and 2. More blood on the rug!!

I went back to sleep, but at 9, I woke up again to find Buffy staring at me from her daddy's side of the bed, and then I heard noises downstairs and realized it was Olga's day to clean, which explains the dog's behavior. Buffy doesn't like it when Olga vacuums the house, chivvying the nervous dog from room to room with her scary scary vacuum!

I crawled out of bed and came downstairs to get a pepsi and say hi to Olga, then sat in the den to read my email and the damn dog was leaving a trail of blood like a serial killer! So I got a wet cloth and started dabbing at the rug in the den, while I explained to Olga about the heartbreak of Estrus, and Olga? She is brilliant! She said the dog needs to wear a diaper, or no, some panties with a pad in them!

Okay, it did cross my mind yesterday to make some kind of diaper with a towel, but I didn't have any safety pins big enough, like diaper pins, and it was late when I thought of it, so I didn't want to go to the store. But this morning? When there is blood all over the house again? I am desparate.

So I went to Kim's room and digged through her underwear drawer to find some panties for the dog! White thong? No, too small, same with black thong. Leopard print thong? Too slutty, also too small. Hey! A biggish pair of white bikinis! There we go! I stuck a pad to them, folded over the wings (for better protection!) and gently helped the dog put her legs into the holes! Voila! My dog looks stupid but she is wearing panties and not bleeding on everything!! Being an Old English Sheepdog, she has no tail, only a bump where a tail should go, so the panties work beautifully. I am so happy.


Last night I didn't have to work, so I stayed up until 11, watching Rachel play Animal Crossing, and I knitted on the Slytherin Scarf. It's about halfway done, but today when I saw it in sunlight I was horrified! I used two different shades of green! I didn't even notice before! The first couple of stripes are a brighter green, and you know what? I am not going to rip it out. I'm just not going to. It's not noticeable most of the time and I'm just going to pretend I don't know.

When I finally went to bed, carrying the scarf and my book, so I could read and knit in bed, I got up to my room to find Rich asleep, with Buffy on the bed next to him! (Luckily she was laying on a small blanket he had thrown over his legs, and she wasn't getting any blood on my comforter! I can wash that blanket later.) So I chased the surprised dog off of the bed, and Rich acted all sleepy and innocent like he didn't know she was there!

A few minutes later, Rich was sleeping, I was knitting and reading my book that was propped on my lap, and Buffy was prowling around the bed, first on my side and then over to Rich. I wondered if she wanted to go out to potty, but she went out before Rich went to bed, so I didn't think that was it. She lay down on the floor for a little bit, but didn't go to sleep, she was just ... watching me. She got up again, walked from my side to Rich's side, lay back down, then up again...and finally she made a half-hearted attempt to get back on the bed, but quickly got back down when I snapped at her. That's why she wouldn't settle down; she was waiting to get back on the bed. I bet she sleeps up on the bed with Rich every night when I'm at work! He denies it, and he's a pretty heavy sleeper, so maybe he isn't aware of it. What a nerve. That dog is just waiting for me to die so she can have her man all to herself. Which is pretty much my plan concerning her, too.

10:27 a.m. - 2005-11-17


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