monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I had an uneventful day and then came to work.

I'm ready for Thanksgiving now! Yeah! I made pumpkin pies tonight and shopped for a few little items I still needed and the turkey is thawing in the bathtub, so everything is right on schedule.

I had a big fun time chatting online with Diana tonight while playing Mah Jong. It was so cool! Who knew you could play games and chat on MSN at the same time? It was just like when we used to get online every morning and play euchre, back in the days when we were still home in the mornings.

Hmm, what else did I do today? I did do some knitting, but not on Jeanette's afghan. My neighbor, who has made that afghan before, made a good suggestion today concerning the sewing together; she said to sew it together as I go, following the schematic for placing the color squares, instead of waiting until the end to sew up the whole thing! Hey, good idea! I hate sewing up anyway, but doing it in small doses sounds much more manageable than doing a whole big project at once - that takes hours!!

Took Kim for a haircut, after that I did the pies. Watched the Food Network while knitting on the cute cowl I started yesterday, using a free pattern available on the Knitpicks website. The pattern is written to be used with laceweight yarn, but I'm using some baby alpaca that was in my stash. It's soft and drapey, and it's also mindless knitting, so I can relax and read while knitting it.

I'm reading some books online by E. Philips Oppenheim. He wrote in the early part of the 1900s and I love his style. Mostly mystery-type stories, and very readable. I think that I even have one of them at home that I picked up somewhere a long time ago.

Well, that's all the news. Happy Thanksgiving.

11:33 p.m. - 2005-11-23


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