monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am wasting time playing Animal Crossing

I'm forcing myself to write because I don't have one damn thing to talk about. Could one of my kids please entertain me? No, because they all have homework to do, and finals coming up. Waah, waah, waah.

Fine, I'll just have to make my own entertainment, so today I sat in a chair and played Animal Kingdom all by myself. (First Kim had to show me how to turn on the Gamecube.)

I am not coordinated enough to do much fishing, and I hate running errands for the animals because I get all anxious and forget who gets a pickup or a delivery as soon as I walk away and then I start worrying about it, so what I mostly do is walk around and shake trees to make money bags fall out of them. There are also bags of money buried in the ground at the rate of one per day, and sometimes items fall out when you shake a tree, which is also fun.

Sometimes, though, a beehive falls out, except in thinking about it just now, I realized that it isn't bees, it's more like a paper nest that wasps make. However, all the animals refer to them as bees, so we'll just leave it at that. So what happens is that the nest falls on the ground and you have about half a second to make a run for the nearest house and dash inside, or, if you are really quick, you can whip out your bug net and catch the bees. I am not quick, and I am not able to outrun bees or to get my net quickly, so I am always surrounded by bees and get a swollen eye. In the process of shaking every tree in the town, you may shake out 3 or 4 bee nests (but about 20 money bags and an item or two), but you only get one swollen eye, even though you are stung each time. It doesn't get worse, so it doesn't matter if you get stung again after the first time. So tonight Rachel was doing homework and watching me play and she laughed at me when I just stood there and waited to get stung! What!?! Why should I run? I can't outrun the bees, and I can't catch them, so I just stand there, get stung, and go on shaking trees! Am I the only one to whom that makes sense?

Rich doesn't usually watch people play video games, but he happened to be in the living room last night while I played Rachel's character for a while, and he thought it was pretty funny that I kept getting stung by bees. (You'd think he would have been impressed by my money-shaking abilities.) Last night I was still trying to run from bees, and he and Rachel were laughing at my desperate attempts to run, jabbing at the controller buttons, and yelling, "Run, you idiot, run!!", so today he sat and watched me for a while just to see me get stung before he went off to the kitchen to the do the dishes.

After I played my character and shook all the trees, I offered to play Rachel's character for her, because she was busy and, it being the last day of the month, it was the day to cash in your character's monthly lottery tickets in hopes of winning valuable items. She let me play, but after I won a couple of lottery items, and visited the fortune teller, she made me stop because she didn't want her character to get stung! What a baby!


I slept all day again, that's why I don't have anything going on. What a bore. I miss getting up in the afternoon and going out to run errands with RA! All the sleep is nice, though.

12:00 a.m. - 2005-12-01


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