monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?

Yay! I finished the black-on-red dragon design on the front/back of the Nagano sweater! That was the hardest part of the design. Now it's a nice easy repetitive pattern for another couple of inches. What is pissing me off about it today is that the black yarn has critter damage! I had forgotten about it (because it's been six years!) but when I first ordered the kit and started knitting with the yarn I noticed the broken bits right away, but of course I didn't do anything about it, just complained and kept knitting. I'm on the last ball of black yarn and I've been splicing the broken ends together as I go because it's the last ball and I am hoping it will be enough to finish the sweater! I will be so glad to finish this sweater.

I still haven't put away all the yarn that I moved to my room while Scott was home so that he could sleep on the bed in the yarn room. I did buy containers and I did think about putting yarn and books into said containers, but as for actually doing it, not yet. It's all organized in my head, but not so much in my room.

I had a pile of movies on DVD that I borrowed from Andy, the movie guy at work, and I meant to watch them at home over the holidays, with Scott and Rachel there to torture keep me company while I watched them. That didn't happen because they just refused to watch anything I wanted to watch. When it's only Scott I can usually get him to sit and watch what he considers crap with me, but when they are together they get all obstinate and they won't do it without a long argument. I did have them talked into watching one of the movies, but when we put it in the DVD player, it just kept flashing the loading signal and wouldn't start playing. Scott said it was because the movie was so terrible that the DVD player just couldn't play it. Finally a little message popped up on the screen, which Scott read out loud, "Disk is damaged or unavailable. Please remove disk." he read in a dry voice, "Please." He thinks he's so funny.

I did watch one of the five movies on my portable player while the kids all played a video game. It was called The Last Supper and was a black comedy that was pretty good. Lost in America was the disk that wouldn't play, and I was disappointed because I love Albert Brooks. Today I was knitting the neverending Nagano sweater and there was no one else home so I put in Short Cuts to watch while I knitted. Two and half days hours later it wasn't over yet and it was depressing the heck out of me, and Kim needed me to go with her somewhere because she didn't know how to get there, so I turned it off and when I got back, oh man, there was no way I could turn that movie back on, so I called Scott and let him abuse me for making poor choices. He despises Robert Altman movies ever since I talked him into watching Nashville and it almost put him into a coma. At the end, when the guy carrying the banjo case unlocked it, Scott said he was praying there was a gun it! (There was.) So I watched the Food Network instead. When I was getting my bag (of knitting and snacks) ready for work tonight, I put in all the movies I borrowed from Andy before Christmas and brought them back. I just don't think I can watch anything else that's thoughtful, ironic, or a dark comedy right now.


So I decided this year that I will knit from the yarn in my large-ish stash instead of buying new yarn. That resolution lasted 10 days. Yesterday Rachel said she needed some yarn to finish a pair of socks she is making for a male friend (who is not and never has been a boyfriend, so it's okay), and we toddled over to Verna's House of Temptation and Rachel bought the two balls of yarn she needed and fondled a book of felted projects that she did not buy. I went with her just for company and also thinking that I would buy some Addi needles to make knitting the second sleeve of the Nagano sweater more pleasant because I haven't already spent enough money on yarn and needles for that rag, and by the way, I held it up today and it's freaking huge. There isn't a yakherder in the world who is going to be able wear that sweater. I wonder if a sumo wrestler would be interested in it.

So I was standing in the middle of the room at Verna's and looking at two pairs of circular size 4 needles in different lengths, when she pulled out a box of sock yarn in assorted colors she had gotten to see if her customers like it, so you know I had to just look at that, and then it's all a blur - I was writing a check, and there is somehow another bag of knitting paraphernalia sitting on the stairs trying not to look new so Rich won't notice and wonder what I bought now.

11:38 p.m. - 2006-01-11


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