monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which almost no knitting gets done.

What did I do all day? Practically nothing.

I got up at about 1:30 and Kim was home, having had a half day because of finals. She said that her exams today weren't too bad. She was playing Evil Flaming Fire Emblem (Why can't I remember that name? Oh, right, because I don't care.), so I wandered into the kitchen to forage for food.

Our dog has been getting bald spots and they keep getting balder, so I asked Rachel to take her to the vet this morning and the itemized bill was laying on the counter. Urine test, exam, thyroid test. Hmmm. There wasn't any note of explanation to go with it, and when questioned, Kim didn't know anything.

I called Rachel, who had gone to work and she said that the vet thinks Buffy has a thyroid deficiency, and will call us when they've got the results of the blood test. Low thyroid? Our dog? Who knew such a thing could happen? Could this dog be any more broken? Oh, that would explain why she gained two pounds on her diet, in spite of walking for miles every day with Rich.

So later the vet called, and yes, our freaky dog needs to take medicine to prop up her thyroid. I went with RA to pick up the dog's meds, then we stopped at the drugstore to pick up RA's new diabetes meds, which is an injection of lizard spit. Uh huh. Good luck on that.

I only knitted one row of the giant Nagano sweater today, and later when I started knitting the next row, I found that I made a mistake in the previous row, so I had to pick that row out. I did that, and then had to go out to walk with Rachel, so that was the extent of my knitting today. One row, that I will have to knit over again tomorrow.

Actually it's already tomorrow because I went to sleep at 10 and woke up at 1:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. Rachel needs to drive to Chicago this morning to find the hospital where she will do her clinical rotation this semester, so we're going to leave at 5 and see how long it takes to get there.

I think I'll go play some Animal Crossing.

3:22 a.m. - 2006-01-13


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