monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I need more cats.

I'm a bit groggy from lack of sleep, and I didn't do much today, but I'm updating anyway, just because I love you.

I woke up at 11! In the morning! After I went to sleep at 7:30! That is not enough sleep, but I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and proceeded to have a day.

Went to lunch with RA and told her I didn't think I was up for the trip to Arizona. I'm not sure it was so much my usual travel anxiety, or just dread of spending all that time in the car listening to her tuneless humming. I am not sure why she wants to take that trip anyway. 5 days (there and back) in the car? To visit her insane sister? It didn't sound like a good idea to me.

Then RA needed to go to Joann Fabrics for something and I toddled along after her, looking at this and that, and when something shiny attracted me briefly, RA said it would be a better hobby for me than watching lip-synching videos. WTF? Fine, I guess I showed her - I'm not going to Arizona with her.

Kim had an appointment for a haircut after school, so I went with her for that. She got her eyebrows waxed, too, so she's beautiful again. No time for highlights today, so she's going back on Saturday.

We had to hurry home to make brownies before Rachel's friends came over. I showed Seth some lip-synching videos and the kids played Super Smash Brothers. I went to bed for a nap before work, woke up crabby and here I am.

Knitting report:

Working on the Gentleman's Socks in Railway Stitch from the Knitting Vintage Socks book. They are beautiful! They were my television knitting, but I was having fun with the two-color heel flap, so I brought them to work.

Also making some 3X1 ribbed socks in Opal Handpaint. Just a nice easy sock pattern to work on while I read.

In my basket at home, Gentleman's Plain Winter Sock in Navy ummm, can't remember the name of the yarn. Can you tell that all I am knitting now is socks?

Rachel is studying Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which is endlessly fascinating! OMG, we watched a program she taped from MTV last week, and it was like a train wreck - horrible but I couldn't look away! Tonight she was looking up information on the internets and found some support-group things online and one of them was about a branch of OCD called Animal Hoarding! Animal Hoarding, oh my goodness! I told Rich I need 300 more cats, but he was not really supportive. Go fig. He said when I am 92 and living alone I can have all the cats I want.

11:49 p.m. - 2006-02-07


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