monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Sunday night/Monday morning at work.

So there was a guy in the emergency room last night who had a gunshot wound after a lively party, and the security guard mentioned to him that his girlfriend was in the waiting room. The guy said he didn't have a girlfriend, and Security offered to go find out who it was and send her back to sit with the patient.

In the crowded waiting room -

Security: Which one of you is the girlfriend?

Girl #1: I am.

Girl #2: No you're not, bitch!

Girl #1: Your momma's a bitch!

Security: Hey, we're not gonna have any of that, now!

Girl #3: Well, I'm pregnant with his baby!

Older woman: I'm his mother, I'll go in there.


So I haven't written anything in a few days because there's nothing going on.

I'm knitting another pair of socks from the Knitting Vintage Socks book. These are the Gentleman's Sock in Railway Stitch. I'm almost done with the second sock, and they look good! They have a striped heel and toe that is very cool.

I have cast on for the Gentleman's Shooting Stockings and finished the ribbing while watching the Winter Olympics on TV tonight. I found that I'm knitting a little bigger than the gauge called for in the pattern, so I went down a size to 0(!) needles, but I started to feel the strain in my wrist, and I think I'll go back up to size 1.

I've got one other sock started in Opal Handpaint yarn. It's a plain ribbed sock on size 1 needles, but I'm considering ripping it back and making something a little fancier. It's hard to decide because I know that the colors of the sock will detract from a texture pattern unless it's a simple one. I'll have to think on this a while longer.

I'm reading a Harry Potter fanfiction called Shifts while I knit. It's one of my favorites; Lupin is teaching at Smeltings in order to keep an eye on Dudley to make sure that no one tries to get to Harry through his family. The events in this story happen at the same time as The Order of the Phoenix, and tell what is happening to the members of the Order during that time.

1:53 a.m. - 2006-02-13


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