monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am still making mittens

The first mitten of the pair I'm knitting for Rich came out too short in the hand, and too long in the thumb! I made the second mitten, which looks great, and then tore out the top of the first mitten and I'm re-knitting it a bit longer. I may just leave the long thumb, because I want to move on to the next pair of mittens, and be done with these.

The next pair are a very colorful pair from the Mitten Book by Robin Hansen. I love her traditional Maine mitten patterns, so I bought this book as soon as it came out and frankly, I was disappointed. It's such a boring book with blah patterns! So I am surprising myself by making this pair, the pair pictured on the cover of the book. I just want to use up a bunch of half-skeins, and I thought this would be fun. I hope it is. I'm using colors that aren't as bright and contrasty as the ones on the book cover - more pinks and fushia's with subtler blues and greens. No lime green, either.

So that's all the news from here. No firm date and location for Scott's wedding yet, ("Scott's wedding" baby!) although he is pretty chuffed about his tungsten carbide wedding ring! Geek.

This is my night off, and I'm looking forward to knitting the colorful mittens while watching figure skating! This afternoon I was watching women's curling, and it was pretty entertaining. I don't understand how to play the game, but I like to watch it. It would probably help if the players weren't all speaking foreign languages! The players are yelling things down the ice! In Swedish it sounds like "Tinka linka done ton!" I have no idea what that means!

2:33 p.m. - 2006-02-23


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