monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am boring about pajamas.

What I'm reading today - finished The Corinthian last night and it was okay. I like Heyer's writing; her characters are great, but when I'm reading a romance novel and I come to the end, well, it's just a kiss and the love, and what I want to know is who did the murder. I was trying to explain that to Rachel and she said, "What murder? Was there a murder?" and I said, "That's my point! There's no murder!" I like to read murder mysteries because the detective wraps it all up at the end. Georgette Heyer has written some delightful murder mysteries and I recommend them highly.

I'm reading another Heyer book at work tonight - Sylvester. It's an older hardcover, and it stays open nicely while I knit. While I knit a mitten. For Kim. Because after I slaved all weekend on the many-colored mittens? She lost one. She called me after school, and was very upset because she had dropped it somewhere and gone back to look for it but couldn't find it. She was sad and so was I! Oh well, mittens come and mittens go, and I'm making her another pair now. Plain ones.

What I made for dinner: Well, here's the thing. I fell asleep at about 5:30, while sitting on my bed watching Kim play Paper Mario, and when I woke up it was after 8. I went downstairs and found that Rich had eaten a frozen dinner and gone to the church to set up printers for the Family History Center, Kim was doing her homework and Rachel was still at work. I wanted some dinner, so I started cooking some salmon fillets and made some fried rice to go with them, and when Rachel got home at 9:30, we ate dinner. Kim had some, too. When I left to come to work, Rich still wasn't home yet, but we had kindly walked his dog for him, and Rachel cleaned up the kitchen. If he's hungry, there is salmon and fried rice in the fridge.

How many times did Kim change her clothes today? I didn't update yesterday, but she only wore two outfits, three if you count pajamas. She wore a long denim skirt and a gauzey embroidered shirt to church, and changed to jeans and a t-shirt when she got home. Today she only changed once - right after school. She put on the gauze shirt from Sunday, but it was a cold day, so she had to wear a hooded sweatshirt over it - the red U of Calgary shirt Scott brought back from his mission. She was in pajamas when I left the house tonight, and the reason I mention pajamas is that she has a million dozen pair of drawstring pajama bottoms and twice that many over-sized t-shirts (some handed down from Scott and Rachel), and she puts on a clean pair of pants and a shirt every night. Every night! I asked her once if she was athletic in her sleep and sweat a lot, and she said no. I suggested that she didn't need to put on a fresh pair of pajamas every night, but she didn't agree. This isn't very interesting, is it? I may discontinue the clothing report.

11:41 p.m. - 2006-02-27


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